Once a Viking,
Always a Viking
From HRA to Building the City Better
As Principal of Centric Architecture, Gina prides herself on being the true well-rounded architect, caring just as much about true Design as art, but also skillful project execution and management, all while keeping genuine care and service to the client above all else. She also still manages to be uber-“involved” – from serving on the NAIOP board, to the Housing Trust Fund Commission, to The Catholic Charities board, and past stints with the board of the USGBC. And yet somehow still finds time to be a devoted wife and mother of 2 rowdy little boys at home. Through it all, Gina finds a way to make everything she touches better and is constantly looking for ways to expand and improve the way we practice architecture. An almost life-long Nashvillian (by way of South Africa at a very young age), Gina was a high school valedictorian, whose passion for craft and creating beautiful things surfaced as early as age 12. Gina came to Centric post-graduation in 2002 and has been here ever since. And when you hear how fast she talks, you’ll quickly understand that her brain is just operating in a different gear than the rest of us!