Once a Viking,
Always a Viking
From Holy Rosary Standout to Father Ryan Salutatorian
From the day she stepped foot on campus as a grade school student, our faculty and staff knew there was something special about Caroline Kreh. Her curiosity, desire to better herself both in and out of the classroom, and her commitment to serving others made her a standout student and friend.
When Caroline and her family decided on Father Ryan for her high school education, we knew that she would bolster the Irish community just as she has the Viking community. Not to pat ourselves on the back too much, but we were right! During her time at Father Ryan, Caroline continued building on the foundation she started constructing while at Holy Rosary and ultimately graduated as the Salutatorian of the Class of 2018.
Now attending the University of Mississippi where she is in the Pharmacy program, Caroline embodies what it means to be a Viking. She is bold and courageous, curious and hard-working, and always striving for excellence through faith. As Caroline continues her college studies on her path towards becoming a pharmacist and scientist, we are immensely proud to know that her story began at Holy Rosary Academy.